Publikationen von Isabel M. Smallegange

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Smallegange, I. M.; van der Meer, J.; Fiedler, W.: Population dynamics of three songbird species in a nestbox population in Central Europe show effects of density, climate and competitive interactions. Ibis 153 (4), S. 806 - 817 (2011)
Smallegange, I. M.; Fiedler, W.; Koeppen, U.; Geiter, O.; Bairlein, F.: Tits on the move: Exploring the impact of environmental change on blue tit and great tit migration distance. Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (2), S. 350 - 357 (2010)
Smallegange, I. M.; Sabelis, M. W.; van der Meer, J.: Assessment games in shore crab fights. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 351 (1-2), S. 255 - 266 (2007)
Smallegange, I. M.; van der Meer, J.: Interference from a game theoretical perspective: Shore crabs suffer most from equal competitors. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 18 (1), S. 215 - 221 (2007)

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