Publikationen des Instituts

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen des MPI für biologische Intelligenz ab dem Jahr 2022. 

Zeitschriftenartikel (157)

Allard, C. A. H.; Herbert, A. L.; Krueger, S. P.; Liang, Q.; Walsh, B. L.; Rhyne, A. L.; Gourlay, A. N.; Seminara, A.; Baldwin, M. W.; Kingsley, D. M. et al.; Bellono, N. W.: Evolution of novel sensory organs in fish with legs. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Atluri, N.; Dulko, E.; Jedrusiak, M.; Klos, J.; Osuru, H. P.; Davis, E.; Beenhakker, M.; Kapur, J.; Zuo, Z.; Lunardi, N.: Anatomical substrates of Rapid Eye Movement sleep rebound in a rodent model of post-sevoflurane sleep disruption. Anesthesiology 140 (4), S. 729 - 741 (2024)
Aulsebrook, A. E.; Jacques-Hamilton, R.; Kempenaers, B.: Quantifying mating behaviour using accelerometry and machine learning: Challenges and opportunities. Animal Behaviour 207, S. 55 - 76 (2024)
Bauer, J.; Lewin, U.; Herbert, E.; Gjorgjieva, J.; Schoonover, C.; Fink, A.; Rose, T.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Sensory experience steers representational drift in mouse visual cortex. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Belojevic, J.; Mortier, M. S.; Oberweiser, M. M.; Braig, F.; Haug, J. T.; Haug, C.: The history of short-tailed whip scorpions: Changes in body size and flagellum shape in Schizomida. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 143 (1), 24 (2024)
Borst, A.: Connectivity matrix seriation via relaxation. PLoS Computational Biology 20 (2), e1011904 (2024)
Botero‐Delgadillo, E.; Meza-Angulo, E.; Bayly, N. J.: Abundance models of endemic birds of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, northern South America, suggest small population sizes and dependence on montane elevations. Ornithological Applications 126 (2), duae002 (2024)
Bulla, M.; Küpper, C.; Lank, D. B.; Albrechtová, J.; Loveland, J. L.; Martin, K.; Teltscher, K. L.; Cragnolini, M.; Lierz, M.; Albrecht, T. et al.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Differences in sperm swimming speed and morphology between the three genetic morphs in the ruff sandpiper. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Casagrande, S.; Dell'Omo, G.: Mitochondrial bioenergetics and proteomic insights in seabird nestling growth: Linking warmer nest temperatures to reduced body size. SSRN (2024)
Castelfranco, A.; Alcami, P.: Mitochondria induce anisotropy and delays in action potential conduction. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Chun, S. H.; Diaz Almeida, D. S.; Todorov, M. I.; Straub, T.; Ruff, T.; Shao, W.; Yang, J.; Seyit-Bremer, G.; Shen, Y.-J.; Ertürk, A. et al.; del Toro, D.; Shi, S.; Klein, R.: Cortex folding by combined progenitor expansion and adhesion-controlled neuronal migration. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Cimiotti, D. V.; Eberhart-Hertel, L. J.; Audevard, A.; Garcias Salas, P. J.; Gelinaud, G.; Günther, K.; Rocha, A.; Schulz, R.; van der Winden, J.; Schmaljohann, H. et al.; Küpper, C.: Dispersal in Kentish plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus): Adult females perform furthest movements. Journal of Ornithology 165 (2), S. 301 - 314 (2024)
de Framond, L.; Müller, R.; Feuerriegel, L.; Brumm, H.: Do the rain calls of Chaffinches indicate rain? Journal of Ornithology 165 (3), S. 615 - 625 (2024)
Del-Valle-Anton, L.; Amin, S.; Cimino, D.; Neuhaus, F.; Dvoretskova, E.; Fernández, V.; Babal, Y. K.; Garcia-Frigola, C.; Prieto-Colomina, A.; Murcia-Ramón, R. et al.; Nomura, Y.; Cárdenas, A.; Feng, C.; Moreno-Bravo, J. A.; Götz, M.; Mayer, C.; Borrell, V.: Multiple parallel cell lineages in the developing mammalian cerebral cortex. Science Advances 10 (13), eadn9998 (2024)
Delhey, K.; Krietsch, J.; Parisi, A.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Variation in nuptial color in relation to sex, individual quality and mating success in the sex-role reversed Phalaropus fulicarius (Red Phalarope). Ornithology 141 (3), ukae016 (2024)
Ding, W.; Weltzien, H.; Peters, C.; Klein, R.: Nausea-induced suppression of feeding is mediated by central amygdala Dlk1-expressing neurons. Cell Reports 43 (4), 113990 (2024)
Dvoretskova, E.; Ho, M. C.; Kittke, V.; Neuhaus, F.; Vitali, I.; Lam, D. D.; Delgado, I.; Feng, C.; Torres, M.; Winkelmann, J. et al.; Mayer, C.: Spatial enhancer activation influences inhibitory neuron identity during mouse embryonic development. Nature Neuroscience 27 (5), S. 862 - 872 (2024)
Eberhart-Hertel, L. J.; Safari, I.; Makomba, P.; Hertel, A.; Goymann, W.: Early-life demographic processes do not drive adult sex ratio biases and mating systems in sympatric coucal species. Functional Ecology (2024)
Edelman, B. J.; Siegenthaler, D.; Wanken, P.; Jenkins, B. J.; Schmid, B.; Ressle, A.; Gogolla, N.; Frank, T.; Macé, E.: The COMBO window: A chronic cranial implant for multiscale circuit interrogation in mice. PLoS Biology 22 (6), e3002664 (2024)
Edwards, S. V.; Cloutier, A.; Cockburn, G.; Driver, R.; Grayson, P.; Katoh, K.; Baldwin, M. W.; Sackton, T. B.; Baker, A. J.: A nuclear genome assembly of an extinct flightless bird, the little bush moa. Science Advances 10 (21), eadj6823 (2024)
Fermani, F.; Chang, S.; Peters, C.; Gaitanos, L.; Alcala Morales, P. L.; Ramakrishnan, C.; Deisseroth, K.; Klein, R.: Food and water uptake are regulated by distinct central amygdala circuits revealed using intersectional genetics. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Fernholz, M. H. P.; Guggiana Nilo, D.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Kist, A. M.: DeepD3, an open framework for automated quantification of dendritic spines. PLoS Computational Biology 20 (2), e1011774 (2024)
Freitas, B.; D'Amelio, P. B.; Milá, B.; Thébaud, C.; Janicke, T.: The acoustic adaptation hypothesis across terrestrial vertebrates: A meta-analysis. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Goltstein, P.; Laubender, D.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Ocular dominance columns in mouse visual cortex. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Gould, E.; Fraser, H. S.; Parker, T. H.; Nakagawa, S.; Griffith, S. C.; Vesk, P. A.; Fidler, F.; Hamilton, D. G.; Abbey-Lee, R. N.; Abbott, J. K. et al.; Aguirre, L. A.; Alcaraz, C.; Aloni, I.; Altschul, D.; Arekar, K.; Atkins, J. W.; Atkinson, J.; Baker, C.; Barrett, M.; Bell, K.; Bello, S. K.; Beltrán, I.; Berauer, B. J.; Bertram, M. G.; Billman, P. D.; Blake, C. K.; Blake, S.; Bliard, L.; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Bonnet, T.; Bordes, C. N. M.; Bose, A. P. H.; Botterill-James, T.; Boyd, M. A.; Boyle, S. A.; Bradfer-Lawrence, T.; Bradham, J.; Brand, J. A.; Brengdahl, M. I.; Bulla, M.; Bussière, L.; Camerlenghi, E.; Campbell, S. E.; Campos, L. L. F.; Caravaggi, A.; Cardoso, P.; Carroll, C. J. W.; Catanach, T. A.; Chen, X.; Chik, H. Y. J.; Choy, E. S.; Christie, A. P.; Chuang, A.; Chunco, A. J.; Clark, B. L.; Contina, A.; Covernton, G. A.; Cox, M. P.; Cressman, K. A.; Crotti, M.; Crouch, C. D.; D'Amelio, P. B.; de Sousa, A. A.; Döbert, T. F.; Dobler, R.; Dobson, A. J.; Doherty, T. S.; Drobniak, S. M.; Duffy, A. G.; Duncan, A. B.; Dunn, R. P.; Dunning, J.; Dutta, T.; Eberhart-Hertel, L. J.; Elmore, J. A.; Elsherif, M. M.; English, H. M.; Ensminger, D. C.; Ernst, U. R.; Ferguson, S. M.; Fernández-Juricic, E.; Ferreira-Arruda, T.; Fieberg, J.; Finch, E. A.; Fiorenza, E. A.; Fisher, D. N.; Fontaine, A.; Forstmeier, W.; Fourcade, Y.; Frank, G. S.; Freund, C. A.; Fuentes-Lillo, E.; Gandy, S. L.; Gannon, D. G.; García-Cervigón, A. I.; Garretson, A. C.; Ge, X.; Geary, W. L.; Géron, C.; Gilles, M.; Girndt, A.; Gliksman, D.; Goldspiel, H. B.; Gomes, D. G. E.; Good, M. K.; Goslee, S. C.; Gosnell, J. S.; Grames, E. M.; Gratton, P.; Grebe, N. M.; Greenler, S. M.; Griffioen, M.; Griffith, D. M.; Griffith, F. J.; Grossman, J. J.; Güncan, A.; Haesen, S.; Hagan, J. G.; Hager, H. A.; Harris, J. P.; Harrison, N. D.; Hasnain, S. S.; Havird, J. C.; Heaton, A. J.; Herrera-Chaustre, M. L.; Howard, T. J.; Hsu, B.-Y.; Iannarilli, F.; Iranzo, E. C.; Iverson, E. N. K.; Jimoh, S. O.; Johnson, D. H.; Johnsson, M.; Jorna, J.; Jucker, T.; Jung, M.; Kačergytė, I.; Kaltz, O.; Ke, A.; Kelly, C. D.; Keogan, K.; Keppeler, F. W.; Killion, A. K.; Kim, D.; Kochan, D. P.; Korsten, P.; Kothari, S.; Kuppler, J.; Kusch, J. M.; Lagisz, M.; Lalla, K. M.; Larkin, D. J.; Larson, C. L.; Lauck, K. S.; Lauterbur, M. E.; Law, A.; Léandri-Breton, D.-J.; Lembrechts, J. J.; L'Herpiniere, K.; Lievens, E. J. P.; de Lima, D. O.; Lindsay, S.; Luquet, M.; MacLeod, R.; Macphie, K. H.; Magellan, K.; Mair, M. M.; Malm, L. E.; Mammola, S.; Mandeville, C. P.; Manhart, M.; Manrique-Garzon, L. M.; Mäntylä, E.; Marchand, P.; Marshall, B. M.; Martin, C. A.; Martin, D. A.; Martin, J. M.; Martinig, A. R.; McCallum, E. S.; McCauley, M.; McNew, S. M.; Meiners, S. J.; Merkling, T.; Michelangeli, M.; Moiron, M.; Moreira, B.; Mortensen, J.; Mos, B.; Muraina, T. O.; Murphy, P. W.; Nelli, L.; Niemelä, P.; Nightingale, J.; Nilsonne, G.; Nolazco, S.; Nooten, S. S.; Novotny, J. L.; Olin, A. B.; Organ, C. L.; Ostevik, K. L.; Palacio, F. X.; Paquet, M.; Parker, D. J.; Pascall, D. J.; Pasquarella, V. J.; Paterson, J. H.; Payo-Payo, A.; Pedersen, K. M.; Perez, G.; Perry, K. I.; Pottier, P.; Proulx, M. J.; Proulx, R.; Pruett, J. L.; Ramananjato, V.; Randimbiarison, F. T.; Razafindratsima, O. H.; Rennison, D. J.; Riva, F.; Riyahi, S.; Roast, M. J.; Rocha, F. P.; Roche, D. G.; Román-Palacios, C.; Rosenberg, M. S.; Ross, J.; Rowland, F. E.; Rugemalila, D.; Russell, A. L.; Ruuskanen, S.; Saccone, P.; Sadeh, A.; Salazar, S. M.; Sales, K.; Salmón, P.; Sánchez-Tójar, A.; Santos, L. P.; Santostefano, F.; Schilling, H. T.; Schmidt, M.; Schmoll, T.; Schneider, A. C.; Schrock, A. E.; Schroeder, J.; Schtickzelle, N.; Schultz, N. L.; Scott, D. A.; Scroggie, M. P.; Shapiro, J. T.; Sharma, N.; Shearer, C. L.; Simón, D.; Sitvarin, M. I.; Skupien, F. L.; Slinn, H. L.; Smith, G. P.; Smith, J. A.; Sollmann, R.; Whitney, K. S.; Still, S. M.; Stuber, E. F.; Sutton, G. F.; Swallow, B.; Taff, C. C.; Takola, E.; Tanentzap, A. J.; Tarjuelo, R.; Telford, R. J.; Thawley, C. J.; Thierry, H.; Thomson, J.; Tidau, S.; Tompkins, E. M.; Tortorelli, C. M.; Trlica, A.; Turnell, B. R.; Urban, L.; de Vondel, S. V.; van der Wal, J. E. M.; Eeckhoven, J. V.; van Oordt, F.; Vanderwel, K. M.; Vanderwel, M. C.; Vanderwolf, K. J.; Vélez, J.; Vergara-Florez, D. C.; Verrelli, B. C.; Vieira, M. V.; Villamil, N.; Vitali, V.; Vollering, J.; Walker, J.; Walker, X. J.; Walter, J. A.; Waryszak, P.; Weaver, R. J.; Wedegärtner, R. E. M.; Weller, D. L.; Whelan, S.; White, R. L.; Wolfson, D. W.; Wood, A.; Yanco, S. W.; Yen, J. D. L.; Youngflesh, C.; Zilio, G.; Zimmer, C.; Zimmerman, G. M.; Zitomer, R. A.: Same data, different analysts: Variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. EcoEvoRxiv (2024)
Goymann, W.: Of hormones (well, not really!), behavior, and observer bias. Ethology 130 (6), e13450 (2024)
Goymann, W.; Korschefsky, T.; Küblbeck, M.: Zeit zum Handeln: Alarmierender Rückgang, Gefährdungsursachen und Empfehlungen zum Erhalt des Braunkehlchens in Oberbayern. Anliegen Natur: Zeitschrift für Naturschutz und angewandte Landschaftsökologie 46 (2), S. 81 - 88 (2024)
Hees, J. T.; Segura, I.; Schneider, A.; Schifferer, M.; Misgeld, T.; Harbauer, A.: ER-associated biogenesis of PINK1 preprotein for neuronal mitophagy. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Hees, J. T.; Wanderoy, S.; Lindner, J.; Helms, M.; Murali Mahadevan, H.; Harbauer, A.: Insulin signalling regulates Pink1 mRNA localization via modulation of AMPK activity to support PINK1 function in neurons. Nature Metabolism 6 (3), S. 514 - 530 (2024)
Heim, F.; Mendoza, E.; Koparkar, A.; Vallentin, D.: Disinhibition enables vocal repertoire expansion after a critical period. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Hellevik, A. M.; Mardoum, P.; Hahn, J.; Koelsch, Y.; D’Orazi, F. D.; Suzuki, S. C.; Godinho, L.; Lawrence, O.; Rieke, F.; Shekhar, K. et al.; Sanes, J. R.; Baier, H.; Baden, T.; Wong, R. O.; Yoshimatsu, T.: Ancient origin of the rod bipolar cell pathway in the vertebrate retina. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (6), S. 1165 - 1179 (2024)
Hillebrecht, T.; Korbel, R.; Rinder, M.; Gahr, M.: Circadian corticosterone profile in laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Animals 14 (6), 873 (2024)
Huppertz, M.-C.; Wilhelm, J.; Grenier, V.; Schneider, M.; Falt, T.; Porzberg, N.; Hausmann, D.; Hoffmann, D. C.; Hai, L.; Tarnawski, M. et al.; Pino, G.; Slanchev, K.; Kolb, I.; Acuna, C.; Fenk, L. M.; Baier, H.; Hiblot, J.; Johnsson, K.: Recording physiological history of cells with chemical labeling. Science 383 (6685), S. 890 - 897 (2024)
Iturralde Polit, P.; Araya-Salas, M.; Goerlitz, H. R.; Chaverri, G.: Variation in echolocation call emission of Neotropical insect-eating bats in response to shifting ambient temperatures. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Jendryka, M. M.; Lewin, U.; Kapanaiah, S. K. T.; Dermutz, H.; Liss, B.; Pekcec, A.; Akam, T.; Grewe, B. F.; Kätzel, D.: Excitatory neurons of the anterior cingulate cortex encode chosen actions and their outcomes rather than cognitive state. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Ko, M.-C.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Bakker, A.; Sohnius-Wilhelmi, N.; Gahr, M.: Extensive, transient, and long-lasting gene regulation in a song-controlling brain area during testosterone-induced song development in adult female canaries. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Kotlyarenko, Y.; Bright, A. R.; Neuhaus, F.; Rodrigues, D.; Vitali, I.; Myoga, M.; Mayer, C.: Nfib regulates progenitor competence in maturation of GABAergic neurons. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Kouhi, H.; Ghalami, M.; Norouzzadeh, A.; Ahmadi, A.: Transfer function-based road classification for vehicles with nonlinear semi-active suspension. World Electric Vehicle Journal 15 (4), 143 (2024)
Krentz, M.; Tutunji, R.; Kogias, N.; Murali Mahadevan, H.; Reppmann, Z. C.; Krause, F.; Hermans, E. J.: A comparison of fMRI data-derived and physiological data-derived methods for physiological noise correction. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Krietsch, J.; Valcu, M.; Cragnolini, M.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in a sex-role-reversed shorebird. Behavioral Ecology 35 (1), arad084 (2024)
Leitao, A.; Gahr, M.: Babbling opens the sensory phase for imitative vocal learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (18), e2312323121 (2024)
Lim, H.; Zhang, Y.; Peters, C.; Straub, T.; Mayer, J. L.; Klein, R.: Genetically- and spatially-defined basolateral amygdala neurons control food consumption and social interaction. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Madariaga, D.; Arro, D.; Irarrázaval, C.; Soto, A.; Guerra, F.; Romero, A.; Ovalle, F.; Fedrigolli, E.; Des Rosiers, T.; Serbe-Kamp, E. et al.; Marzullo, T.: A library of electrophysiological responses in plants - A model of transversal education and open science. Plant Signaling & Behavior 19 (1), 2310977 (2024)
Mauker, P.; Beckmann, D.; Kitowski, A.; Heise, C.; Wientjens, C.; Davidson, A. J.; Wanderoy, S.; Fabre, G.; Harbauer, A.; Wood, W. et al.; Wilhelm, C.; Thorn-Seshold, J.; Misgeld, T.; Kerschensteiner, M.; Thorn-Seshold, O.: Fluorogenic chemical probes for wash-free imaging of cell membrane damage in ferroptosis, necrosis, and axon injury. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (16), S. 11072 - 11082 (2024)
Mazengenya, P.; Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Manger, P. R.: Apparent absence of hypothalamic cholinergic neurons in the common ostrich and emu: Implications for global brain states during sleep. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 532 (2), e25587 (2024)
Mearns, D. S.; Hunt, S. A.; Schneider, M.; Parker, A. V.; Stemmer, M.; Baier, H.: Diverse prey capture strategies in teleost larvae. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Meissner-Bernard, C.; Jenkins, B. J.; Rupprecht, P.; Bouldoires, E. A.; Zenke, F.; Friedrich, R. W.; Frank, T.: Computational functions of precisely balanced neuronal assemblies in an olfactory memory network. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Mentesana, L.; Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Baseline glucocorticoids alone do not predict reproductive success across years, but in interaction with enzymatic antioxidants. Ecology and Evolution 14 (4), e11193 (2024)
Merondun, J.; Marques, C. I.; Andrade, P.; Meshcheryagina, S.; Galván, I.; Afonso, S.; Alves, J. M.; Araújo, P. M.; Bachurin, G.; Balacco, J. et al.; Bán, M.; Fedrigo, O.; Formenti, G.; Fossøy, F.; Fülöp, A.; Golovatin, M.; Granja, S.; Hewson, C.; Honza, M.; Howe, K.; Larson, G.; Marton, A.; Moskát, C.; Mountcastle, J.; Procházka, P.; Redkin, Y.; Sims, Y.; Šulc, M.; Tracey, A.; Wood, J. M. D.; Jarvis, E. D.; Hauber, M. E.; Carneiro, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in cuckoos. Science Advances 10 (17), eadl5255 (2024)
Merondun, J.; Wolf, J. B. W.: The contribution of epigenetic variation to evolution in crows. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Zur Redakteursansicht