BI seminars

Talks at the MPI for Biological Intelligence

Keynote Lectures
An internal committee identifies and invites outstanding scientists from areas related to the research at our institute. more
Emerging Scientist Series
We encourage excellent postdocs to give a talk at the institute.  more
Institute Seminars
Our research departments and groups organize regular seminars relevant to their research fields. more
Gender in Ecology & Neuroscience Seminar Series
This seminar series has two aims: To contribute to a precise and un-biased understanding of sex in ecology and neuroscience and to put a spotlight on the situation of researchers of different genders in the field. more

Upcoming talks

Neural targets of serotonin and psychedelics

  • Date: Aug 6, 2024
  • Time: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Takashi Kawashima
  • Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Location: MPI BI Martinsried
  • Room: MPIBI, Seminar room NQ 105
  • Host: Herwig Baier
  • Contact:

Neuroscience going wild: Neural codes for space in social groups of bats and in bats navigating outdoors on a remote oceanic island

  • Date: Sep 3, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Nachum Ulanovsky
  • Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Location: MPI BI Martinsried
  • Room: MPI BI, T-Building, Large lecture hall
  • Host: Daniela Vallentin
  • Contact:

Toward a Neurobiology of Corvid Tool Use

  • Date: Sep 17, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Felix Moll
  • University Tübingen, Tübingen
  • Location: MPI BI Seewiesen
  • Room: MPI BI Seewiesen, Haus 4, Seminarraum 4/0.07 und 4/0.08
  • Host: Daniela Vallentin
  • Contact:

The shark embryo as a model to study the origin and evolution of the vertebrate telencephalon

  • Date: Sep 24, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Idoia Quintana-Urzainqui
  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg
  • Location: MPI BI Martinsried
  • Room: NQ105
  • Host: Elena Dvoretskova
  • Contact:

Group behavior and neural responses in the mammalian hippocampus, using wireless methods to record neural activity and behavior in groups of freely flying bats

  • Date: Oct 29, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Angelo Forli
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Location: MPI BI Seewiesen
  • Room: MPI BI Seewiesen, Haus 4, Seminarraum 4/0.07 und 4/0.08
  • Host: Thejasvi Beleyur
  • Contact:
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