Publications of Margherita Cragnolini

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Bulla, M.; Küpper, C.; Lank, D. B.; Albrechtová, J.; Loveland, J. L.; Martin, K.; Teltscher, K. L.; Cragnolini, M.; Lierz, M.; Albrecht, T. et al.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Differences in sperm swimming speed and morphology between the three genetic morphs in the ruff sandpiper. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
Journal Article
Krietsch, J.; Valcu, M.; Cragnolini, M.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in a sex-role-reversed shorebird. Behavioral Ecology 35 (1), arad084 (2024)
Journal Article
Krietsch, J.; Cragnolini, M.; Kuhn, S.; Lanctot, R. B.; Saalfeld, S. T.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Extrapair paternity in a sequentially polyandrous shorebird: Limited evidence for the sperm storage hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 183, pp. 77 - 92 (2022)
Journal Article
Kwon, E.; Valcu, M.; Cragnolini, M.; Bulla, M.; Lyon, B.; Kempenaers, B.: Breeding site fidelity is lower in polygamous shorebirds and male-biased in monogamous species. Behavioral Ecology 33 (3), pp. 592 - 605 (2022)
Journal Article
Botero‐Delgadillo, E.; Quirici, V.; Poblete, Y.; Acevedo, M.; Cuevas, É.; Bravo, C.; Cragnolini, M.; Rozzi, R.; Poulin, E.; Mueller, J. C. et al.; Kempenaers, B.; Vásquez, R. A.: Range-wide genetic structure in the thorn-tailed rayadito suggests limited gene flow towards peripheral populations. Scientific Reports 10, 9409 (2020)
Journal Article
Tiesmeyer, A.; Ramos, L.; Lucas, J. M.; Steyer, K.; Alves, P. C.; Astaras, C.; Brix, M.; Cragnolini, M.; Domokos, C.; Hegyeli, Z. et al.; Janssen, R.; Kitchener, A. C.; Lambinet, C.; Mestdagh, X.; Migli, D.; Monterroso, P.; Mulder, J. L.; Schockert, V.; Youlatos, D.; Pfenninger, M.; Nowak, C.: Range-wide patterns of human-mediated hybridisation in European wildcats. Conservation Genetics 21 (2), pp. 247 - 260 (2020)
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