Annual meeting of the Ethological Society - Tutzing 2025

Annual meeting of the Ethological Society - Tutzing 2025

February 19th – 21st, 2025

Join us for ETHO 2025 in Tutzing, the Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society, organized by the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen

About the ETHO 2025 venue

The conference venue is the Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing, a beautiful castle located directly at Lake Starnberg, which also offers accommodation. The Evangelische Akademie is centrally located in Tutzing, where you will find several hotels, restaurants, bakeries, and snack bars within walking distance. The train station is within walking distance from the venue (<10min) but can also be reached by public transport (Bus 977). Trains connect Tutzing with the Central Train Station of Munich every 20 min (for more travel details, please see here).

Plenary Speakers

Hanna Kokko

Hanna Kokko

Do we really need to introduce Hanna Kokko? For the few of you who should have managed to do science without stumbling across her studies: Hanna Kokko holds an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. It is almost impossible to comprehensively describe her research interests, as she has been modelling (and excelling at) basically everything ranging from aging, demography, life history evolution, migration, parental care, sex, social evolution to… you just name it.
Bettina Wachter

Bettina Wachter

Bettina Wachter is heading a research group at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin. Being a vegetarian, she has been studying carnivores throughout her career (well, she had started with primates, though). After having co-led the spotted hyaena project in the Ngorongoro Crater for decades, she shifted her focus to study human-wildlife conflicts in Namibia. Her research on the life history of cheetahs (and Namibian farmers) are – in our view – the gold standard for how state-of-the-art behavioural ecology can help conservation.
Jens  Krause

Jens Krause

Jens Krause is truly a pioneer in the study of collective behaviour. Heading a research group at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (as well as holding two professorships, one at the Technical University Berlin and one at the Humboldt University Berlin), his research addresses group-living in fish and other animals with an emphasis on decision making and social networks. But that’s not all, Jens Krause is also spearheading the use of robotics, AI and machine learning in the study of animal behaviour.


More Information about the Registration, the Scientific Programme, Timetable and Abstract Submission will follow soon on this page


For travel grants:

Travel grants are available from the Ethological Society; please check their website here for more information.



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