Vocational training at the Max Planck Institutes in Martinsried and Seewiesen
The Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence and the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, situated door-to-door in Martinsried near Munich, are two of the worldwide leading institutes in their field of research.
The scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence investigate how animals acquire, store, apply, and pass on knowledge about their environment in order to find ever-new solutions to problems and adapt to a constantly changing environment. The research - and vocational training - is done at the institute's location in Martinsried and Seewiesen, in the district of Starnberg.
At the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, the research centers around the elucidation of the structure and function of proteins. The scientists investigate, among others, the role of proteins during cell division, in the metabolism or in the development of diseases.
The institutes' scientists are supported in manifold ways by the scientific, administrative and technical service groups of the institutes. Many of these groups offer the possibility for vocational training. About 40 trainees currently acquire the skills for one of the following professions: Animal Keeper in Research and Clinic, Biology Laboratory Technician, IT Specialist for System Integration, Office Management and Precision Mechanic.
For further information regarding the content of the vocational training, application procedures, deadlines and contact persons, please visit our German website.