Staff of the MPI for Biological Intelligence

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Mahalakshmi Ramadas
Doctoral Student
  • +49 8157 932 461
Claudia Ramenda
Animal Care Seewiesen, Technical Assistant
  • +49 8157 932 300
Niels Rattenborg
Research Group Leader
  • +49 8157 932 279
Jutta Reichel
Animal Care Seewiesen
  • +49 8157 932 235
Jörg Reichert
Staff Physician
  • +49 89 8578 3872
Yoni Renous
Scientific Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3488
Christina Reusch
Technical Assistant
  • +49 8157 932 291
Ines Ribeiro
  • +49 89 8578 3286
Franz Rieger
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3923
Hermina Robotka
  • +49 8157 932 255
Silvia Rodriguez Rozada
Veronika Rohr-Bender
Doctoral Student
  • +49 8157 932 414
Luciano Roman Albasini
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3762
Francesco Rossi
Animal Care Seewiesen
  • +49 8157 932 235
Alexandra Rother
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3783
Mekhla Rudra
Doctoral Student
Alina Ruehmkorf
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3689
Zur Redakteursansicht