Staff of the MPI for Biological Intelligence

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Martina de Santis
  • +49 89 8578 3927
Winfried Denk
  • +49 89 8578 3560
Amsy Deschler
Team Assistant
  • +49 8157 932 425
Jolien Diddens
Staff Scientist
  • +49 8157 932 392
Wenyu Ding
  • +49 89 8578 3160
Falk Dittrich
Staff Scientist
  • +49 8157 932 272
Katja Dombrowski
Member of Occupational Safety
  • +49 89 8578 3578
Joseph Donovan
Project Leader
  • +49 89 8578 3269
Alessandro Dorigo
Technical Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3980
Sylvia Dozauer
Member of Administration
Martin Drawitsch
Master Student
Nicole Drenkard
Team Assistant
  • +49 8157 932 328
Jan Drosd
Member of IT
  • +49 8157 932 332
Nikolas Drummond
Doctoral Student
Elena Dvoretskova
  • +49 89 8578 3649
Luke Eberhart-Hertel
  • +49 8157 932 231
Bradley Edelman
  • +49 89 8578 3742
Birgit Egen
Coordinator Seewiesen
  • +49 8157 932 427
Tamir Eliav
  • +49 8157 932 462
Felix Elling
Technical Engineer
  • +49 8157 932 456
Afrodita Emin
Member of Administration
  • +49 89 8578 3965
Wolfgang Essbauer
Technical Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3272
Tjalda Falt
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3957
Dennis Feigenbutz
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3741
Chao Feng
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3929
Lisa Fenk
Lise Meitner Research Group Leader
  • +49 89 8578 3959
Andrea Ferretti
  • +49 8157 932 362
Karin Finger-Baier
Staff Scientist
  • +49 89 8578 3263
Michael Fischer
Head of IT Martinsried
  • +49 89 8578 3154
Wolfgang Forstmeier
Staff Scientist
  • +49 8157 932 346
Carolina Frankl
  • +49 8157 932 402
Monika Franz
  • +49 8157 932 403
Melanie Friedl
Member of Administration
  • +49 89 8578 3973
Anja Friedrich
Manfred Gahr
Director, Managing Director
  • +49 8157 932 276
Louise Gaitanos
Lab Manager, Research Technician
  • +49 89 8578 3824
Franziska Garke
Member of Administration
  • +49 89 8578-3285
Mark Gillingham
  • +49 8157 932 310
Carol Gilsenan
Assistant to the Director
  • +49 8157 932 232
Lina Maria Giraldo Deck
  • +49 8157 932 252
Alexander Girg
Technical Assistant
  • +49 8157 932-226
Pieter Goltstein
  • +49 89 8578 3695
Carlos Gómez-Guzmán
Doctoral Student
  • +49 8157 932 465
Wolfgang Goymann
Staff Scientist
  • +49 8157 932 301
Swantje Graetsch
  • +49 89 8578 3694
Oliver Griesbeck
Research Group Leader
  • +49 89 8578 3270
Lukas Groschner
Project Leader
  • +49 89 8578 3286
Melanie Grosser
Member of Administration
  • +49 89 8578 3703
Johannes Grosso
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3990
Benedikt Grothe
Research Group Leader
  • +49 89 8578 3622
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