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Publikationen von Mario F. Wullimann

Zeitschriftenartikel (69)

Wullimann, M. F.: Good heavens! Finally a landslide analysis of basal ganglia circuitry in teleosts. Cell Reports 43 (3), 113915 (2024)
Wullimann, M. F.; Mokayes, N.; Shainer, I.; Kuehn, E.; Baier, H.: Genoarchitectonics of the larval zebrafish diencephalon. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 532 (3), e25549 (2024)
von Bernhardi, J. E.; Biechl, D.; Miek, L.; Herget, U.; Ryu, S.; Wullimann, M. F.: A versatile transcription factor: Multiple roles of orthopedia a (otpa) beyond its restricted localization in dopaminergic systems of developing and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) brains. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 530 (14), S. 2537 - 2561 (2022)
Rosner, E.; Chagnaud, B. P.; Wullimann, M. F.: Serotonin systems in three socially communicating teleost species, the grunting toadfish (Allenbatrachus grunniens), a South American marine catfish (Ariopsis seemanni), and the upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris). Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 104, 101708 (2020)
Wullimann, M. F.: Neural origins of basal diencephalon in teleost fishes: Radial versus tangential migration. Journal of Morphology 281 (9), S. 1133 - 1141 (2020)
Wullimann, M. F.; Umeasalugo, K. E.: Sonic hedgehog expression in zebrafish forebrain identifies the teleostean pallidal signaling center and shows preglomerular complex and posterior tubercular dopamine cells to arise from shh cells. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 528 (8), S. 1321 - 1348 (2020)
Baeuml, S. W.; Biechl, D.; Wullimann, M. F.: Adult islet1 expression outlines ventralized derivatives along zebrafish neuraxis. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 13, 19 (2019)
Zeymer, M.; von der Emde, G.; Wullimann, M. F.: The mormyrid optic tectum is a topographic interface for active electrolocation and visual sensing. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 12, 79 (2018)
Biechl, D.; Tietje, K.; Ryu, S.; Grothe, B.; Gerlach, G.; Wullimann, M. F.: Identification of accessory olfactory system and medial amygdala in the zebrafish. Scientific Reports 7, 44295 (2017)
Wullimann, M. F.: Names matter: Commentary on Luis Puelles' article. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 90 (2), S. 190 - 190 (2017)
Wullimann, M. F.: Should we redefine the classic lateral pallium? The Journal of Comparative Neurology 525 (6), S. 1509 - 1513 (2017)
Wullimann, M. F.; Grothe, B.; Straka, H.; Behrend, O.; ten Donkelaar, H. J.: Preface: Vertebrate sensory systems and brains: From genes to behavior. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 90 (2), S. 97 - 97 (2017)
Biechl, D.; Dorigo, A.; Köster, R. W.; Grothe, B.; Wullimann, M. F.: Eppur Si Muove: Evidence for an external granular layer and possibly transit amplification in the teleostean cerebellum. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 10, 49 (2016)
Biechl, D.; Tietje, K.; Gerlach, G.; Wullimann, M. F.: Crypt cells are involved in kin recognition in larval zebrafish. Scientific Reports 6, 24590 (2016)
Karoubi, N.; Segev, R.; Wullimann, M. F.: The brain of the archerfish Toxotes chatareus: A Nissl-based neuroanatomical atlas and catecholaminergic/cholinergic systems. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 10, 106 (2016)
Kress, S.; Biechl, D.; Wullimann, M. F.: Combinatorial analysis of calcium-binding proteins in larval and adult zebrafish primary olfactory system identifies differential olfactory bulb glomerular projection fields. Brain Structure & Function 220 (4), S. 1951 - 1970 (2015)
Herget, U.; Wolf, A.; Wullimann, M. F.; Ryu, S.: Molecular neuroanatomy and chemoarchitecture of the neurosecretory preoptic-hypothalamic area in zebrafish larvae. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 522 (7), S. 1542 - 1564 (2014)
Wullimann, M. F.: Ancestry of basal ganglia circuits: New evidence in teleosts. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 522 (9), S. 2013 - 2018 (2014)
Kress, S.; Wullimann, M. F.: Correlated basal expression of immediate early gene egr1 and tyrosine hydroxylase in zebrafish brain and downregulation in olfactory bulb after transitory olfactory deprivation. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 46 (1-2), S. 51 - 66 (2012)
Wullimann, M. F.: Basal ganglia: Insights into origins from lamprey brains. Current Biology 21 (13), S. R497 - R500 (2011)
Wullimann, M. F.; Mueller, T.; Distel, M.; Babaryka, A.; Grothe, B.; Köster, R. W.: The long adventurous journey of rhombic lip cells in jawed vertebrates: A comparative developmental analysis. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 5, 27 (2011)
Yamamoto, K.; Ruuskanen, J. O.; Wullimann, M. F.; Vernier, P.: Differential expression of dopaminergic cell markers in the adult zebrafish forebrain. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 519 (3), S. 576 - 598 (2011)
Osório, J.; Mueller, T.; Rétaux, S.; Vernier, P.; Wullimann, M. F.: Phylotypic expression of the bHLH genes Neurogenin2, Neurod, and Mash1 in the mouse embryonic forebrain. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 518 (6), S. 851 - 871 (2010)
Volkmann, K.; Chen, Y. Y.; Harris, M. P.; Wullimann, M. F.; Köster, R. W.: The zebrafish cerebellar upper rhombic lip generates tegmental hindbrain nuclei by long-distance migration in an evolutionary conserved manner. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 518 (14), S. 2794 - 2817 (2010)
Yamamoto, K.; Ruuskanen, J. O.; Wullimann, M. F.; Vernier, P.: Two tyrosine hydroxylase genes in vertebrates. New dopaminergic territories revealed in the zebrafish brain. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 43 (4), S. 394 - 402 (2010)
Distel, M.; Wullimann, M. F.; Köster, R. W.: Optimized Gal4 genetics for permanent gene expression mapping in zebrafish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (32), S. 13365 - 13370 (2009)
Lillesaar, C.; Stigloher, C.; Tannhäuser, B.; Wullimann, M. F.; Bally-Cuif, L.: Axonal projections originating from raphe serotonergic neurons in the developing and adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, using transgenics to visualize raphe-specific pet1 expression. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 512 (2), S. 158 - 182 (2009)
Mueller, T.; Wullimann, M. F.: An evolutionary interpretation of teleostean forebrain anatomy. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 74 (1), S. 30 - 42 (2009)
Northcutt, R. G.; Wullimann, M. F.; Northcutt, M. S.: Preface: Forebrain evolution in fishes 20th annual Karger workshop Washington, DC, November 13, 2008. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 74 (1), S. 5 - 6 (2009)
Wullimann, M. F.: Secondary neurogenesis and telencephalic organization in zebrafish and mice: A brief review. Integrative Zoology 4 (1), S. 123 - 133 (2009)
Mueller, T.; Wullimann, M. F.; Guo, S.: Early teleostean basal ganglia development visualized by zebrafish Dlx2a, Lhx6, Lhx7, Tbr2 (eomesa), and GAD67 gene expression. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 507 (2), S. 1245 - 1257 (2008)
Mueller, T.; Vernier, P.; Wullimann, M. F.: A phylotypic stage in vertebrate brain development: GABA cell patterns in zebrafish compared with mouse. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 494 (4), S. 620 - 634 (2006)
Wullimann, M. F.; Rink, E.; Vernier, P.; Schlosser, G.: Secondary neurogenesis in the brain of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, as revealed by PCNA, Delta-1, Neurogenin-related-1, and NeuroD expression. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 489 (3), S. 387 - 402 (2005)
Mueller, T.; Vernier, P.; Wullimann, M. F.: The adult central nervous cholinergic system of a neurogenetic model animal, the zebrafish Danio rerio. Brain Research 1011 (2), S. 156 - 169 (2004)
Reiner, A.; Wullimann, M. F.: The gain in the brain is plain when evo meets devo. BioEssays: News and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 26 (9), S. 1026 - 1030 (2004)
Rink, E.; Wullimann, M. F.: Connections of the ventral telencephalon (subpallium) in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Brain Research 1011 (2), S. 206 - 220 (2004)
Wullimann, M. F.; Mueller, T.: Identification and morphogenesis of the eminentia thalami in the zebrafish. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 471 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2004)
Wullimann, M. F.; Mueller, T.: Teleostean and mammalian forebrains contrasted: Evidence from genes to behavior. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 475 (2), S. 143 - 162 (2004)
Mueller, T.; Wullimann, M. F.: Anatomy of neurogenesis in the early zebrafish brain. Developmental Brain Research 140 (1), S. 137 - 155 (2003)
Ahrens, K.; Wullimann, M. F.: Hypothalamic inferior lobe and lateral torus connections in a percomorph teleost, the red cichlid (Hemichromis lifalili). The Journal of Comparative Neurology 449 (1), S. 43 - 64 (2002)
Mueller, T.; Wullimann, M. F.: BrdU-, neuroD (nrd) - and Hu-studies reveal unusual non-ventricular neurogenesis in the postembryonic zebrafish forebrain. Mechanisms of Development 117 (1-2), S. 123 - 135 (2002)
Mueller, T.; Wullimann, M. F.: Expression domains of neuroD (nrd) in the early postembryonic zebrafish brain. Brain Research Bulletin 57 (3-4), S. 377 - 379 (2002)
Rink, E.; Wullimann, M. F.: Connections of the ventral telencephalon and tyrosine hydroxylase distribution in the zebrafish brain (Danio rerio) lead to identification of an ascending dopaminergic system in a teleost. Brain Research Bulletin 57 (3-4), S. 385 - 387 (2002)
Rink, E.; Wullimann, M. F.: Development of the catecholaminergic system in the early zebrafish brain: An immunohistochemical study. Developmental Brain Research 137 (1), S. 89 - 100 (2002)
Wullimann, M. F.; Mueller, T.: Expression of Zash-1a in the postembryonic zebrafish brain allows comparison to mouse Mash1 domains. Gene Expression Patterns 1 (3-4), S. 187 - 192 (2002)
Wullimann, M. F.; Rink, E.: The teleostean forebrain: A comparative and developmental view based on early proliferation, Pax6 activity and catecholaminergic organization. Brain Research Bulletin 57 (3-4), S. 363 - 370 (2002)
Rink, E.; Wullimann, M. F.: The teleostean (zebrafish) dopaminergic system ascending to the subpallium (shiatum) is located in the basal diencephalon (posterior tuberculum). Brain Research 889 (1-2), S. 316 - 330 (2001)
Wullimann, M. F.; Rink, E.: Detailed immunohistology of Pax6 protein and tyrosine hydroxylase in the early zebrafish brain suggests role of Pax6 gene in development of dopaminergic diencephalic neurons. Developmental Brain Research 131 (1-2), S. 173 - 191 (2001)
Wullimann, M. F.; Knipp, S.: Proliferation pattern changes in the zebrafish brain from embryonic through early postembryonic stages. Anatomy and Embryology 202 (5), S. 385 - 400 (2000)
Wullimann, M. F.; Puelles, L.: Postembryonic neural proliferation in the zerbrafish forebrain and its relationship to prosomeric domains. Anatomy and Embryology 199 (4), S. 329 - 348 (1999)
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