Copyright Martina Carrete und Jose Tella

Publikationen von Andrea Ferretti

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Ferretti, A.; Maggini, I.; Fusani, L.: How to recover after sea crossing: The importance of small islands for passerines during spring migration. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 33 (3), S. 307 - 320 (2021)
Ferretti, A.; Maggini, I.; Cardinale, M.; Fusani, L.: Heat loss in sleeping garden warblers (Sylvia borin) during migration. Journal of Thermal Biology 94, 102772 (2020)
Ferretti, A.; McWilliams, S. R.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Maggini, I.; Cardinale, M.; Fusani, L.: Energy stores, oxidative balance, and sleep in migratory garden warblers (Sylvia borin) and whitethroats (Sylvia communis) at a spring stopover site. Integrative Organismal Biology 2 (1), obaa010 (2020)
Ferretti, A.; Maggini, I.; Lupi, S.; Cardinale, M.; Fusani , L.: The amount of available food affects diurnal locomotor activity in migratory songbirds during stopover. Scientific Reports 9, 19027 (2019)
Ferretti, A.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Ruf, T.; McWilliams, S. R.; Cardinale, M.; Fusani, L.: Sleeping unsafely tucked in to conserve energy in a nocturnal migratory songbird. Current Biology 29 (16), S. 2766 - 2772.e4 (2019)
Huber, N.; Fusani, L.; Ferretti, A.; Mahr, K.; Canoine, V.: Measuring short-term stress in birds: Comparing different endpoints of the endocrine-immune interface. Physiology & Behavior 182, S. 46 - 53 (2017)
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