Forschungsgruppe "Neuronale Grundlagen vokaler Kommunikation"

Publikationen von B. C. Robertson

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Carter, K. L.; Robertson, B. C.; Kempenaers, B.: A differential DNA extraction method for sperm on the perivitelline membrane of avian eggs. Molecular Ecology 9 (12), S. 2149 - 2150 (2000)
Kempenaers, B.; Foerster, K.; Questiau, S.; Robertson, B. C.; Vermeirssen, E. L. M.: Distinguishing between female sperm choice versus male sperm competition: A comment on Birkhead. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 54 (3), S. 1050 - 1052 (2000)
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