A European perspective on structural barriers to women’s career progression in neuroscience

  • Datum: 27.02.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Vortragende(r): Teresa Spanò & Ashley Bourke
  • MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt
  • Ort: MPI BI Martinsried
  • Raum: Online, https://gwdg.zoom.us/j/84472240120?pwd=WGVXUEoxMlZOUnZjMkpUcE5yVCsvZz09 Meeting-ID: 844 7224 0120 Kenncode: 185545
  • Gastgeber: Jayne Lambert and Sabine Spehn
  • Kontakt: gleichstellungsbeauftragte@bi.mpg.de
A European perspective on structural barriers to women’s career progression in neuroscience

Despite an unprecedented number of women entering neuroscience, and decades-long recruitment and retention efforts, women continue to be disproportionately underrepresented in European academic tenure-track faculty and leadership positions. In the talk, we will focus on two major career points where women exhibit diminished representation: the transition from postdoctoral fellow to junior professor and the promotion to more senior (tenured) faculty positions. We will discuss recently implemented country-specific and Europe-wide initiatives supporting equal career progression and will propose further concrete steps to be taken to break down the structural barriers that prevent women’s progression up the academic career ladder as European neuroscientists.

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