Research group "Active Sensing"

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Tjalda Falt
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3957
Lisa Fenk
Lise Meitner Research Group Leader
  • +49 89 8578 3959
Anja Friedrich
Pavel Kviatko
Doctoral Student
Frederique Lyonnaz
Technical Engineer
  • +49 89 8578 3779
Yoni Renous
Master Student
  • +49 89 8578 3957
Etienne Serbe-Kamp
Scientific Consultant
Christine Thalhammer
Assistant to the Director
  • +49 89 8578 3251
Helena Tultschin
Technical Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3072
Hamed Yeganegi
  • +49 89 8578 3957
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