Zeitschriftenartikel (155)

Nwankwo, E. C.; Mortega, K. G.; Karageorgos, A.; Ogolowa, B. O.; Papagregoriou, G.; Grether, G. F.; Monadjem, A.; Kirschel, A. N. G.: Rampant introgressive hybridization in Pogoniulus tinkerbirds (Piciformes: Lybiidae) despite millions of years of divergence. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (1), S. 125 - 142 (2019)
O'Hara, M.; Mioduszewska, B.; Haryoko, T.; Prawiradilaga, D. M.; Huber, L.; Auersperg, A.: Extraction without tooling around - The first comprehensive description of the foraging- and socio-ecology of wild Goffin’s cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana). Behaviour 156 (5-8), S. 661 - 690 (2019)
O'Mara, M. T.; Wikelski, M.; Kranstauber, B.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Common noctules exploit low levels of the aerosphere. Royal Society Open Science 6 (2), 181942 (2019)
O'Neill, L.; Picaud, A.; Maehner, J.; Gahr, M.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Two macaw species can learn to solve an optimised two-trap problem, but without functional causal understanding. Behaviour 156 (5-8), S. 691 - 720 (2019)
Petelle, M. B.; Martin, J. G. A.; Blumstein, D. T.: Mixed support for state maintaining risky personality traits in yellow-bellied marmots. Animal Behaviour 150, S. 177 - 188 (2019)
Plaschke, S.; Bulla, M.; Cruz-López, M.; Ángel, S. G. d.; Küpper, C.: Nest initiation and flooding in response to season and semi-lunar spring tides in a ground-nesting shorebird. Frontiers in Zoology 16, 15 (2019)
Popov, V. V.; Supin, A. Y.; Nechaev, D. I.; Lemazina, A.; Sysueva, E. V.: Position of an acoustic window in a beluga whale: Computation based on auditory evoked potential latencies. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (6), 3578 (2019)
Quirici, V.; Hammers, M.; Botero‐Delgadillo, E.; Cuevas, E.; Espindola-Hernandez, P.; Vásquez, R. A.: Age and terminal reproductive attempt influence laying date in the thorn‐tailed rayadito. Journal of Avian Biology 50 (10), e02059 (2019)
Raffini, F.; Meyer, A.: A comprehensive overview of the developmental basis and adaptive significance of a textbook polymorphism: Head asymmetry in the cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Hydrobiologia 832 (1), S. 65 - 84 (2019)
Rahwan, I.; Cebrian, M.; Obradovich, N.; Bongard, J.; Bonnefon, J.-F.; Breazeal, C.; Crandall, J. W.; Christakis, N. A.; Couzin, I. D.; Jackson, M. O. et al.; Jennings, N. R.; Kamar, E.; Kloumann, I. M.; Larochelle, H.; Lazer, D.; McElreath, R.; Mislove, A.; Parkes, D. C.; Pentland, A. S.; Roberts, M. E.; Shariff, A.; Tenenbaum, J. B.; Wellman, M.: Machine behaviour. Nature 568 (7753), S. 477 - 486 (2019)
Rattenborg, N. C.; van der Meij, J.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Lesku, J. A.: Local aspects of avian non-REM and REM sleep. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 567 (2019)
Remelgado, R.; Wegmann, M.; Safi, K.: RSMOVE—An R package to bridge remote sensing and movement ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (8), S. 1212 - 1221 (2019)
Rogers, J.; Raveendran, M.; Harris, R. A.; Mailund, T.; Leppälä, K.; Athanasiadis, G.; Schierup, M. H.; Cheng, J.; Munch, K.; Walker, J. A. et al.; Konkel, M. K.; Jordan, V.; Steely, C. J.; Beckstrom, T. O.; Bergey, C.; Burrell, A.; Schrempf, D.; Noll, A.; Kothe, M.; Kopp, G. H.; Liu, Y.; Murali, S.; Billis, K.; Martin, F. J.; Muffato, M.; Cox, L.; Else, J.; Disotell, T.; Muzny, D. M.; Phillips-Conroy, J.; Aken, B.; Eichler, E. E.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Kosiol, C.; Batzer, M. A.; Hahn, M. W.; Tung, J.; Zinner, D.; Roos, C.; Jolly, C. J.; Gibbs, R. A.; Worley, K. C.; Archidiacono, N.; Capozzi, O.; Catacchio, C. R.; Dinh, H. H.; Doddapanen, H.; Han, Y.; Huddleston, J.; Jhangiani, S. N.; Karimpour-Fard, A.; Korchina, V.; Kovar, C. L.; Kuderna, L.; Lee, S. L.; Liu, X.; Marra-Campanale, A.; Mason, C. E.; de Montero, M. M.; Pagel, K. A.; Palazzo, A.; Pecotte, J.; Pejaver, V.; Pipes, L.; Quick, V. S.; Radivojac, P.; Raja, A.; Raney, B. J.; Rice, K.; Rocchi, M.; Sikela, J. M.; Stanyon, R.; Thomas, G. W. C.; Ventura, M.; Vilgalys, T. P.; Vinar, T.; Walter, L.: The comparative genomics and complex population history of Papio baboons. Science Advances 5 (1), eaau6947 (2019)
Sadanandan, K. R.; Küpper, C.; Low, G. W.; Yao, C.-T.; Li, Y.; Xu, T.; Rheindt, F. E.; Wu, S.: Population divergence and gene flow in two East Asian shorebirds on the verge of speciation. Scientific Reports 9, 8546 (2019)
Safari, I.; Goymann, W.; Kokko, H.: Male-only care and cuckoldry in black coucals: Does parenting hamper sex life? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1900), 20182789 (2019)
Sánchez–Hernández, P.; Krasheninnikova, A.; Almunia, J.; Molina–Borja, M.: Social interaction analysis in captive orcas (Orcinus orca). Zoo Biology 38 (4), S. 323 - 333 (2019)
Santema, P.; Schlicht, E.; Kempenaers, B.: Testing the conditional cooperation model: What can we learn from parents taking turns when feeding offspring? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 94 (2019)
Santema, P.; Valcu, M.; Clinchy, M.; Zanette, L. Y.; Kempenaers, B.: Effects of predator call playbacks on reproductive success and extrapair paternity in blue tits. Animal Behaviour 155, S. 97 - 109 (2019)
Santema, P.; Valcu, M.; Clinchy, M.; Zanette, L. Y.; Kempenaers, B.: Playback of predator calls inhibits and delays dawn singing in a songbird community. Behavioral Ecology 30 (5), S. 1283 - 1288 (2019)
Santos, C. D.; Campos​, L. F. A. S.; Efe, M. A.: Foraging habitat choice of White-tailed Tropicbirds revealed by fine-scale GPS tracking and remote sensing. PeerJ 7, e6261 (2019)
Santos, C. D.; Rocha, T. M. S.; Nascimento, A. W. B.; Oliveira, V.; Martínez, C.: Prey choice by declining Atlantic flyway Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) at a major wintering area in Brazil. Waterbirds 42 (2), S. 198 - 204 (2019)
Scacco, M.; Flack, A.; Duriez, O.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Static landscape features predict uplift locations for soaring birds across Europe. Royal Society Open Science 6 (1), 181440 (2019)
Sehdev, A.; Mohammed, Y. G.; Tafrali, C.; Szyszka, P.: Social foraging extends associative odor–food memory expression in an automated learning assay for Drosophila melanogaster. The Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (19), jeb207241 (2019)
Sehdev, A.; Szyszka, P.: Segregation of unknown odors from mixtures based on stimulus onset asynchrony in honey bees. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 13, 155 (2019)
Sládeček, M.; Vozabulová, E.; Šálek, M. E.; Bulla, M.: Diversity of incubation rhythms in a facultatively uniparental shorebird - the Northern Lapwing. Scientific Reports 9, 4706 (2019)
Smolyar, I.; Bromage, T.; Wikelski, M.: Layered patterns in nature, medicine, and materials: Quantifying anisotropic structures and cyclicity. PeerJ 7, e7813 (2019)
Sommer, B.; Feyer, S.; Klinkhammer, D.; Klein, K.; Wieland, J.; Fink, D.; Fiedler, W.; Flack, A.; Nagy, M.; Wikelski, M. et al.; Reiterer, H.; Schreiber, F.: BinocularsVR – A VR experience for the exhibition "From Lake Constance to Africa, a long distance travel with ICARUS". Electronic Imaging, S. 177-1 - 177-8 (2019)
Sommer, R. S.; Hofreiter, M.; Krüger, F.; Siemers, B. M.; Paijmans, J. L. A.; Li, C.; Geiger, M. F.: Preliminary results on the molecular study of fish-eating by "trawling Myotis" bat species in Europe. Vertebrate Zoology 69 (1), S. 83 - 92 (2019)
Soultan, A.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Risk of biodiversity collapse under climate change in the Afro-Arabian region. Scientific Reports 9, 955 (2019)
Sridhar, V. H.; Roche, D. G.; Gingins, S.: Tracktor: Image-based automated tracking of animal movement and behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (6), S. 815 - 820 (2019)
Städele, V.; Roberts, E. R.; Barrett, B. J.; Strum, S. C.; Vigilant, L.; Silk, J. B.: Male–female relationships in olive baboons (Papio anubis): Parenting or mating effort? Journal of Human Evolution 127, S. 81 - 92 (2019)
Sundin, J.; Amcoff, M.; Mateos-Gonzalez, F.; Raby, G. D.; Clark, T. D.: Long-term acclimation to near-future ocean acidification has negligible effects on energetic attributes in a juvenile coral reef fish. Oecologia 190 (3), S. 689 - 702 (2019)
Taleshi, H.; Jalali, S. G.; Alavi, S. J.; Hosseini, S. M.; Naimi, B.; Zimmermann, N. E.: Climate change impacts on the distribution and diversity of major tree species in the temperate forests of Northern Iran. Regional Environmental Change 19 (8), S. 2711 - 2728 (2019)
Torres Ortiz, S.; Maxwell, A.; Krasheninnikova, A.; Wahlberg, M.; Larsen, O. N.: Problem solving capabilities of peach-fronted conures (Eupsittula aurea) studied with the string-pulling test. Behaviour 156 (5-8), S. 815 - 846 (2019)
Trimmer, P. C.; Barrett, B. J.; McElreath, R.; Sih, A.: Rapid environmental change in games: Complications and counter-intuitive outcomes. Scientific Reports 9, 7373 (2019)
Troxell, S. A.; Holderied, M. W.; Pētersons, G.; Voigt, C. C.: Nathusius' bats optimize long-distance migration by flying at maximum range speed. The Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (4), jeb176396 (2019)
Tucker, M. A.; Alexandrou, O.; Bierregaard Jr., R. O.; Bildstein, K. L.; Böhning‐Gaese, K.; Bracis, C.; Brzorad, J. N.; Buechley, E. R.; Cabot, D.; Calabrese, J. M. et al.; Carrapato, C.; Chiaradia, A.; Davenport, L. C.; Davidson, S. C.; Desholm, M.; DeSorbo, C. R.; Domenech, R.; Enggist, P.; Fagan, W. F.; Farwig, N.; Fiedler, W.; Fleming, C. H.; Franke, A.; Fryxell, J. M.; García‐Ripollés, C.; Grémillet, D.; Griffin, L. R.; Harel, R.; Kane, A.; Kays, R.; Kleyheeg, E.; Lacy, A. E.; LaPoint, S. D.; Limiñana, R.; López‐López, P.; Maccarone, A. D.; Mellone, U.; Mojica, E. K.; Nathan, R.; Newman, S. H.; Noonan, M. J.; Oppel, S.; Prostor, M.; Rees, E. C.; Ropert‐Coudert, Y.; Rösner, S.; Sapir, N.; Schabo, D.; Schmidt, M.; Schulz, H.; Shariati, M.; Shreading, A.; Silva, J. P.; Skov, H.; Spiegel, O.; Takekawa, J. Y.; Teitelbaum, C. S.; van Toor, M. L.; Urios, V.; Vidal‐Mateo, J.; Wang, Q.; Watts, B. D.; Wikelski, M.; Wolter, K.; Žydelis, R.; Mueller, T.: Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (5), S. 576 - 587 (2019)
Ungurean, G.; Rattenborg, N. C.: REM-Sleep-Promoting ‘Goldilocks’ neurons. Current Biology 29 (13), S. R644 - R646 (2019)
Valcu, C.-M.; Scheltema, R. A.; Schweiggert, R. M.; Valcu, M.; Teltscher, K. L.; Walther, D. M.; Carle, R.; Kempenaers, B.: Life history shapes variation in egg composition in the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus. Communications Biology 2, 6 (2019)
van Buuren, M.; Auersperg, A.; Gajdon, G.; Tebbich, S.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: No evidence of mirror self-recognition in keas and Goffin’s cockatoos. Behaviour 156 (5-8), S. 763 - 786 (2019)
van der Meij, J.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Intra-"cortical" activity during avian non-REM and REM sleep: Variant and invariant traits between birds and mammals. Sleep 42 (2), zsy230 (2019)
van der Meij, J.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Neurophysiology of avian sleep: Comparing natural sleep and isoflurane anesthesia. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 262 (2019)
van Toor, M. L.; O'Mara, M. T.; Abedi-Lartey, M.; Wikelski, M.; Fahr, J.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Linking colony size with quantitative estimates of ecosystem services of African fruit bats. Current Biology 29 (7), S. R225 - R240 (2019)
Vellema, M.; Diales da Rocha, M.; Bascones, S.; Zsebök, S.; Dreier, J.; Leitner, S.; van der Linden, A.; Brewer, J.; Gahr, M.: Accelerated redevelopment of vocal skills is preceded by lasting reorganization of the song motor circuitry. eLife 8, e43194 (2019)
Vendrami, D. L. J.; De Noia, M.; Telesca, L.; Handal, W.; Charrier, G.; Boudry, P.; Eberhart-Phillips, L. J.; Hoffman, J. I.: RAD sequencing sheds new light on the genetic structure and local adaptation of European scallops and resolves their demographic histories. Scientific Reports 9, 7455 (2019)
Vitousek, M. N.; Johnson, M. A.; Downs, C. J.; Miller, E. T.; Martin, L. B.; Francis, C. D.; Donald, J. W.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M. et al.; Husak, J. F.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.: Macroevolutionary patterning in glucocorticoids suggests different selective pressures shape baseline and stress-induced levels. American Naturalist 193 (6), S. 866 - 880 (2019)
Voigt, C.; Ter Maat, A.; Bennett, N. C.: No evidence for multimodal body mass distributions and body mass-related capture order in wild-caught Damaraland mole-rats. Mammalian Biology 95, S. 123 - 126 (2019)
Wang, D.; Forstmeier, W.; Valcu, M.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Bulla, M.; Both, C.; Duckworth, R. A.; Kiere, L. M.; Karell, P.; Albrecht, T. et al.; Kempenaers, B.: Scrutinizing assortative mating in birds. PLoS Biology 17 (2), e3000156 (2019)
Wang, X.; Cao, L.; Fox, A. D.; Fuller, R.; Griffin, L.; Mitchell, C.; Zhao, Y.; Moon, O.-K.; Cabot, D.; Xu, Z. et al.; Batbayar, N.; Kölzsch, A.; van der Jeugd, H. P.; Madsen, J.; Chen, L.; Nathan, R.: Stochastic simulations reveal few green wave surfing populations among spring migrating herbivorous waterfowl. Nature Communications 10, 2187 (2019)
Wilkinson, G. S.; Carter, G. G.; Bohn, K. M.; Caspers, B.; Chaverri, G.; Farine, D. R.; Günther, L.; Kerth, G.; Knörnschild, M.; Mayer, F. et al.; Nagy, M.; Ortega, J.; Patriquin, K.: Kinship, association, and social complexity in bats. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73 (1), 7 (2019)
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