Publikationen des MPI für Ornithologie

Zeitschriftenartikel (66)

Apfelbeck, B. A.; Räß, M.: Behavioural and hormonal effects of social isolation and neophobia in a gregarious bird species, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Hormones and Behavior 54 (3), S. 435 - 441 (2008)
Bauer, H.-G.: Neue Entwicklungen im Vogelschutz und Aktivitäten des Deutschen Rates für Vogelschutz (DRV) im Jahr 2007. Berichte zum Vogelschutz 45, S. 7 - 19 (2008)
Bauer, H.-G.: Prof. Gerhard Thielcke (1931-2007). Berichte zum Vogelschutz 44, S. 7 - 9 (2008)
Bauer, H.-G.: Über die Entwicklung der Roten Liste der Vögel in Deutschland. Vogelkundliche Berichte aus Niedersachsen 40, S. 83 - 90 (2008)
Bauer, H.-G.; Woog, F.: Nichtheimische Vogelarten (Neozoen) in Deutschland. Teil I: Auftreten, Bestände und Status. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 46 (3), S. 157 - 194 (2008)
Boye, P.; Südbeck, P.; Bauer, H.-G.; Boschert, M.; Knief, W.: Neue Bilanz im Vogelschutz. Der Falke 55, S. 372 - 375 (2008)
Cochran, W. W.; Bowlin, M. S.; Wikelski, M.: Wingbeat frequency and flap-pause ratio during natural migratory flight in thrushes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48 (1), S. 134 - 151 (2008)
Cohas, A.; Yoccoz, N. G.; Bonenfant, C.; Goossens, B.; Genton, C.; Galan, M.; Kempenaers, B.; Allaine, D.: The genetic similarity between pair members influences the frequency of extrapair paternity in alpine marmots. Animal Behaviour 76 (1), S. 87 - 95 (2008)
Czech, N. U.; Klauer, G.; Dehnhardt, G.; Siemers, B. M.: Fringe for foraging? Histology of the bristle-like hairs on the tail membrane of the gleaning bat, Myotis nattereri. Acta Chiropterologica 10 (2), S. 303 - 311 (2008)
Dawy, Z.; Sarkis, M.; Hagenauer, J.; Mueller, J. C.: Fine-scale genetic mapping using independent component analysis. IEEE ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 5 (3), S. 448 - 460 (2008)
Delhey, K.; Peters, A.; Biedermann, P. H. W.; Kempenaers, B.: Optical properties of the uropygial gland secretion: No evidence for UV cosmetics in birds. Die Naturwissenschaften 95 (10), S. 939 - 946 (2008)
Dingel, J.; Hanus, P.; Leonardi, N.; Hagenauer, J.; Zech, J.; Mueller, J. C.: Local conservation scores without a priori assumptions on neutral substitution rates. BMC Bioinformatics 9, 190 (2008)
Döpfner, M.; Bauer, H.-G.: Phänologie der Schwingenmauser ausgewählter Wasservogelarten am Bodensee. Die Vogelwelt 129, S. 395 - 408 (2008)
Döpfner, M.; Matuszak, A.; Bauer, H.-G.: Störungen von Wasservögeln während der Schwingenmauser und deren Bedeutung für die Qualität eines Mauserquartiers - ein Vergleich zweier Gebiete am Bodensee. Ornithologische Jahreshefte für Baden-Württemberg 24, S. 105 - 125 (2008)
DuVal, E. H.; Kempenaers, B.: Sexual selection in a lekking bird: The relative opportunity for selection by female choice and male competition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1646), S. 1995 - 2003 (2008)
Forstmeier, W.; Rochester, J. R.; Millam, J. R.: Digit ratio unaffected by estradiol treatment of zebra finch nestlings. General and Comparative Endocrinology 156 (2), S. 379 - 384 (2008)
Fuchs, J.; Tichopad, A.; Golub, Y.; Munz, M.; Schweitzer, K. J.; Wolf, B.; Berg, D.; Mueller, J. C.; Gasser, T.: Genetic variability in the SNCA gene influences alpha-synuclein levels in the blood and brain. The FASEB Journal 22 (5), S. 1327 - 1334 (2008)
Gahr, M.; Metzdorf, R.; Schmidl, D.; Wickler, W.: Bi-Directional sexual dimorphisms of the song control nucleus HVC in a songbird with unison song. PLoS One 3 (8), e3073 (2008)
Goerlitz, H. R.; Greif, S.; Siemers, B. M.: Cues for acoustic detection of prey: Insect rustling sounds and the influence of walking substrate. The Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (17), S. 2799 - 2806 (2008)
Goymann, W.; Trappschuh, M.; Fusani, L.: A gentler method to raise melatonin levels in birds. Journal of Biological Rhythms 23 (3), S. 274 - 277 (2008)
Gschweng, M.; Kalko, E. K. V.; Querner, U.; Fiedler, W.; Berthold, P.: All across Africa: Highly individual migration routes of Eleonora's falcon. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1653), S. 2887 - 2896 (2008)
Hau, M.; Gill, S. A.; Goymann, W.: Tropical field endocrinology: Ecology and evolution of testosterone concentrations in male birds. General and Comparative Endocrinology 157 (3), S. 241 - 248 (2008)
Helfenstein, F.; Szep, T.; Nagy, Z.; Kempenaers, B.; Wagner, R. H.: Between-male variation in sperm size, velocity and longevity in sand martins Riparia riparia. Journal of Avian Biology 39 (6), S. 647 - 652 (2008)
Jacot, A.; Scheuber, H.; Holzer, B.; Otti, O.; Brinkhof, M. W. G.: Diel variation in a dynamic sexual display and its association with female mate-searching behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1634), S. 579 - 585 (2008)
Kempenaers, B.; Peters, A.; Foerster, K.: Sources of individual variation in plasma testosterone levels. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 363 (1497), S. 1711 - 1723 (2008)
Koch, W.; Hoppmann, P.; Biele, J.; Mueller, J. C.; Schoemig, A.; Kastrati, A.: Fibrinogen genes and myocardial infarction. A haplotype analysis. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology: an Official Journal of the American Heart Association 28 (4), S. 758 - 763 (2008)
Koch, W.; Hoppmann, P.; Mueller, J. C.; Schoemig, A.; Kastrati, A.: Lack of support for association between common variation in TNFSF4 and myocardial infarction in a German population. Nature Genetics 40 (12), S. 1386 - 1387 (2008)
Laucht, S.; DuVal, E. H.; Kempenaers, B.: Maternal correlates of brood sex ratio variation in the lekking lance-tailed manakin Chiroxiphia lanceolata. Journal of Avian Biology 39 (2), S. 198 - 205 (2008)
Lesku, J. A.; Bark, R. J.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Amlaner, C. J.; Lima, S. L.: Predator-induced plasticity in sleep architecture in wild-caught Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus). Behavioural Brain Research 189 (2), S. 298 - 305 (2008)
Lesku, J. A.; Roth, T. C. I.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Amlaner, C. J.; Lima, S. L.: Phylogenetics and the correlates of mammalian sleep: A reappraisal. Sleep Medicine Reviews 12 (3), S. 229 - 244 (2008)
Logue, D. M.; Forstmeier, W.: Constrained performance in a communication network: Implications for the function of song-type matching and for the evolution of multiple ornaments. American Naturalist 172 (1), S. 34 - 41 (2008)
Mares, R.; Moreno, R. S.; Kays, R. W.; Wikelski, M.: Predispersal home range shift of an ocelot Leopardus pardalis (Carnivora: Felidae) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Revista de Biologia Tropical 56 (2), S. 779 - 787 (2008)
Markman, S.; Leitner, S.; Catchpole, C. K.; Barnsley, S.; Mueller, C. T.; Pascoe, D.; Buchanan, K. L.: Pollutants increase song complexity and the volume of the brain area HVC in a songbird. PLoS One 3 (2), e1674 (2008)
Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Increased EEG spectral power density during sleep following short-term sleep deprivation in pigeons (Columba livia): Evidence for avian sleep homeostasis. Journal of sleep research 17 (2), S. 140 - 153 (2008)
McNamara, J. M.; Barta, Z.; Wikelski, M.; Houston, A. I.: A theoretical investigation of the effect of latitude on avian life histories. American Naturalist 172 (3), S. 331 - 345 (2008)
Mueller, J. C.; Steiger, S. S.; Fidler, A. E.; Kempenaers, B.: Biogenic trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs) are encoded in avian genomes: Evidence and possible implications. Journal of Heredity 99 (2), S. 174 - 176 (2008)
Naguib, M.; Schmidt, R.; Sprau, P.; Roth, T.; Floercke, C.; Amrhein, V.: The ecology of vocal signaling: Male spacing and communication distance of different song traits in nightingales. Behavioral Ecology 19 (5), S. 1034 - 1040 (2008)
Newman, S. M.; Paletz, E. M.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Obermeyer, W. H.; Benca, R. M.: Sleep deprivation in the pigeon using the Disk-Over-Water method. Physiology & Behavior 93 (1-2), S. 50 - 58 (2008)
Piep, M.; Radespiel, U.; Zimmermann, E.; Schmidt, S.; Siemers, B. M.: The sensory basis of prey detection in captive-born grey mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus. Animal Behaviour 75 (3), S. 871 - 878 (2008)
Poirier, C.; Vellema, M.; Verhoye, M.; van Meir, V.; Wild, J. M.; Balthazart, J.; Van Der Linden, A.: A three-dimensional MRI atlas of the zebra finch brain in stereotaxic coordinates. NeuroImage 41 (1), S. 1 - 6 (2008)
Rattenborg, N. C.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Lesku, J. A.; Scriba, M. F.: A bird's eye view of sleep. Science 322 (5901), S. 527 - 527 (2008)
Rattenborg, N. C.; Voirin, B.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Kays, R. W.; Spoelstra, K.; Kuemmeth, F.; Heidrich, W.; Wikelski, M.: Sleeping outside the box: Electroencephalographic measures of sleep in sloths inhabiting a rainforest. Biology Letters 4 (4), S. 402 - 405 (2008)
Ritschard, M.; Logtmeijer, P.; Taeschler, A.: Two observations of Malayan night-heron Gorsachius melanolophus from West Bengal, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 105 (1), S. 97 - 98 (2008)
Ritschard, M.; Taschler, A.: A recent observation of white-headed duck Oxyura leucocephala at Gajaldoba Barrage, West Bengal, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 105 (1), S. 95 - 95 (2008)
Safran, R. J.; Vitousek, M. N.: Evolutionary biology: Arms races in the eye of the beholder. Current Biology 18 (17), S. R734 - R736 (2008)
Schaub, A.; Ostwald, J.; Siemers, B. M.: Foraging bats avoid noise. The Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (19), S. 3174 - 3180 (2008)
Schielzeth, H.; Burger, C.; Bolund, E.; Forstmeier, W.: Assortative versus disassortative mating preferences of female zebra finches based on self-referent phenotype matching. Animal Behaviour 76 (6), S. 1927 - 1934 (2008)
Schielzeth, H.; Burger, C.; Bolund, E.; Forstmeier, W.: Sexual imprinting on continuous variation: Do female zebra finches prefer or avoid unfamiliar sons of their foster parents? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21 (5), S. 1274 - 1280 (2008)
Schielzeth, H.; Eichhorn, G.; Heinicke, T.; Kamp, J.; Koshkin, M. A.; Koshkin, A. V.; Lachmann, L.: Waterbird population estimates for a key staging site in Kazakhstan: A contribution to wetland conservation on the Central Asian flyway. Bird Conservation International 18 (1), S. 71 - 86 (2008)
Schmidt-Wellenburg, C. A.; Visser, G. H.; Biebach, B.; Delhey, K.; Oltrogge, M.; Wittenzellner, A.; Biebach, H.; Kempenaers, B.: Trade-off between migration and reproduction: Does a high workload affect body condition and reproductive state? Behavioral Ecology 19 (6), S. 1351 - 1360 (2008)
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