Home Staff list Staff of the MPI for Biological Intelligence A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All NamePhoneEmailLinksPetra WinterhollerTechnical Assistant+49 89 8578 3566+49 89 8578 3525petra.winterholler@...David WitkowskiAnimal Care Seewiesen+49 8157 932 235david.witkowski@...Andrea WittenzellnerTechnical Assistant+49 8157 932 335andrea.wittenzellner@...Publication ReferencesBirgit WoldtMember of Administration+49 89 8578 3556birgit.woldt@...Jochen WolfMax-Planck-Fellowjochen.wolf@...Publication ReferencesJochen Wolf's Webseite LMU Barbara WörleVeterinarian+49 8157 932 405barbara.woerle@...Publication ReferencesLulu Xu+49 89 8578 3683lulu.xu@...Aliya YakupovaDoctoral Studentaliya.yakupova@...Jeong YeongseokPostdoc+49 89 8578 3761yeong.yeongseok@...Ayla YimenMember of Administration+49 89 8578 3964ayla.yimen@...Hongsup YoonPostdochongsup.yoon@...Publication ReferencesAlex ZemellaDoctoral Student+49 8157 932 347alex.zemella@...Publication ReferencesErna ZerhochMember of Guest House Seewiesen+49 8157 932 208Erna.Zerhoch@...Adrianna ZgrajDoctoral Student+49 89 8578 3684adrianna.zgraj@...Yue ZhangPostdoc+49 89 8578 3695yue.zhang@...Publication ReferencesFlorian ZiebollMember of IT+49 89 8578 3246florian.zieboll@...Birte ZuidingaDoctoral Studentbirte.zuidinga@...Publication ReferencesAnna ZychDoctoral Student+49 89 8578 3782anna.zych@...Publication References Page«|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8