Staff of the MPI for Biological Intelligence

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Simone Wanderoy
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3610
Qing Wang
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3988
Paulina Gabriele Wanken
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3935
Magdalena Warner
Member of Communications and Graphics
Ursula Weber
Member of EM-Histo Lab
  • +49 89 8578 3292
Caroline Weiand
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3778
Frances Weigl
Animal Care Seewiesen
  • +49 8157 932 235
Sabine Wieringer
Member of Administration, Team Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3752
Sebastian Willenberg
Master Student
  • +49 89 8578 3674
Petra Winterholler
Technical Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3566
  • +49 89 8578 3525
David Witkowski
Animal Care Seewiesen
  • +49 8157 932 235
Andrea Wittenzellner
Technical Assistant
  • +49 8157 932 335
Birgit Woldt
Member of Administration
  • +49 89 8578 3556
Jochen Wolf
Barbara Wörle
  • +49 8157 932 405
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