Staff of the MPI for Biological Intelligence

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All
Jayne Lambert
Scientific Consultant
  • +49 89 8578 3513
David Laubender
  • +49 89 8578 3693
Eva Laurell
Project Leader
  • +49 89 8578 3267
Frank Lehmann
Animal Care Seewiesen
  • +49 8157 932 235
Albertine (Mourinha) Leitão
  • +49 8157 932 261
Stefan Leitner
Head of Animal Housing Seewiesen
  • +49 8157 932 389
Maria-Bianca Leonte
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3294
Uwe Lewin
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3944
Xi Li
Scientific Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3298
Qiaoyi Liang
  • +49 8157 932 454
Natalie Liebl
Member of Administration
  • +49 89 8578 3784
Hansol Lim
  • +49 89 8578 3812
Jana Lindner
Technical Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3202
Miriam Linnenbrink
Lab Manager
  • +49 89 8578 3224
Tautvydas Lisauskas
Corinna Loës
IMPRS Coordinator
  • +49 8157 932 233
Peter Loës
Technical Engineer
  • +49 8157 932 330
Anja Lohrentz
Technical Assistant
  • +49 8157 932 293
Annette Loidolt
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3685
Udo Lomnicky
Technical Engineer
  • +49 8157 932 307
Guadalupe Lopez-Nava
Doctoral Student
  • +49 8157 932 250
Regina Lösch
Team Assistant
  • +49 8157 932 302
Laura Loschek
Technical Assistant
  • +49 89 8578 3816
Alexandra Luber
Member of Administration
  • +49 8157 932 200
Connor Lynch
Doctoral Student
  • +49 89 8578 3972
Frederique Lyonnaz
Technical Engineer
  • +49 89 8578 3779
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