Anastasia Krasheninnikova
Main Focus
- Comparative Cognition
- Problem-solving behaviour
- Social Learning
- Socio-biology
- Evolution of Cognition
- Bioacoustics
- Communication
My main research interest is the evolution of cognitive skills. I am particularly
interested in whether, and if so, how, different socio-ecological living
conditions influence animal cognition. My current research work focuses on
socio-cognitive adaptations, vocal imitation skills, and mental time-travel
abilities in parrots and marine mammals.
Curriculum Vitae
Aug – Dec 2015 Marine Biology Station Laboe, Laboe, Germany
June 2014 PhD, University of Hamburg, Germany, Thesis: “Physical cognition in parrots: a comparative approach”
2011 – 2014 PhD Student at the research group of behaviour biology, University of Hamburg, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jutta Schneider
2008 – 2010 Biology at the University of Hamburg, MSc, Master-Thesis: "Means-end comprehension in parrots: a comparative approach", Supervisor: Dr. Ralf Wanker
2005 – 2008 Biology at the University of Hamburg, BSc, Bachelor-Thesis: "String- pulling in spectacled parrotlets", Supervisor: Dr. Ralf Wanker