Publikationen von Mario F. Wullimann

Zeitschriftenartikel (69)

Wullimann, M. F.; Puelles, L.; Wicht, H.: Early postembryonic neural development in the zebrafish: A 3-D reconstruction of forebrain proliferation zones shows their relation to prosomeres. European Journal of Morphology 37 (2-3), S. 117 - 121 (1999)
Rink, E.; Wullimann, M. F.: Some forebrain connections of the gustatory system in the goldfish Carassius auratus visualized by separate DSI application to the hypothalamic inferior-lobe and the torus lateralis. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 394 (2), S. 152 - 170 (1998)
Becker, T.; Wullimann, M. F.; Becker, C. G.; Bernhardt, R. R.; Schachner, M.: Axonal regrowth after spinal cord transection in adult zebrafish. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 377 (4), S. 577 - 595 (1997)
Wullimann, M. F.: Major patterns of visual brain organization in teleosts and their relation to prehistoric events and the paleontological record. Paleobiology 23 (1), S. 101 - 114 (1997)
Wullimann, M. F.; Roth, G.: Descending telencephalic information reaches longitudinal torus and cerebellum via the dorsal preglomerular nucleus in the teleost fish, Pantodon buchholzi: A case of neural preaptation? Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 44 (6), S. 338 - 352 (1994)
Wullimann, M. F.; Meyer, D. L.: Possible multiple evolution of indirect telencephalo-cerebellar pathways in teleosts: Studies in Carassius auratus and Pantodon buchholzi. Cell and Tissue Research 274 (3), S. 447 - 455 (1993)
Wullimann, M. F.; Roth, G.: Is the nucleus corticalis of teleosts a new cholinergic central nervous system for vertebrates? NeuroReport 3 (1), S. 33 - 35 (1992)
Butler, A. B.; Wullimann, M. F.; Northcutt, R. G.: Comparative cytoarchitectonic analysis of some visual pretectal nuclei in teleosts. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 38 (2-3), S. 92 - 104 (1991)
Wullimann, M. F.; Hofmann, M. H.; Meyer, D. L.: Histochemical, connectional and cytoarchitectonic evidence for a secondary reduction of the pretectum in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla: A case of parallel evolution. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 38 (6), S. 290 - 301 (1991)
Wullimann, M. F.; Hofmann, M. H.; Meyer, D. L.: The valvula cerebelli of the spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus, receives primary lateral-line afferents from the rostrum of the upper jaw. Cell and Tissue Research 266 (2), S. 285 - 293 (1991)
Wullimann, M. F.; Meyer, D. L.; Northcutt, R. G.: The visually related posterior pretectal nucleus in the non‐percomorph teleost Osteoglossum bicirrhosum projects to the hypothalamus: A Dil study. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 312 (3), S. 415 - 435 (1991)
Wullimann, M. F.; Meyer, D. L.: Phylogeny of putative cholinergic visual pathways through the pretectum to the hypothalamus in teleost fish. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 36 (1), S. 14 - 29 (1990)
Wullimann, M. F.; Northcutt, R. G.: Visual and electrosensory circuits of the diencephalon in mormyrids: An evolutionary perspective. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 297 (4), S. 537 - 552 (1990)
Wullimann, M. F.; Rooney, D. J.: A direct cerebello-telencephalic projection in an electrosensory mormyrid fish. Brain Research 520 (1-2), S. 354 - 357 (1990)
Wullimann, M. F.; Northcutt, R. G.: Afferent connections of the valvula cerebelli in two teleosts, the common goldfish and the green sunfish. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 289 (4), S. 554 - 567 (1989)
Wathey, J. C.; Wullimann, M. F.: A double-label study of efferent projections from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in goldfish and kelp bass. Neuroscience Letters 93 (2-3), S. 121 - 126 (1988)
Wullimann, M. F.: The tertiary gustatory center in sunfishes is not nucleus glomerulosus. Neuroscience Letters 86 (1), S. 6 - 10 (1988)
Wullimann, M. F.; Northcutt, R. G.: Connections of the corpus cerebelli in the green sunfish and the common goldfish: A comparison of perciform and cypriniform teleosts. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 32 (5), S. 293 - 304 (1988)
Wullimann, M. F.; Finck, W.; Senn, D. G.: A hypothalamic channel-system in the inferior lobes of a trigger-fish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus, Balistidae). Experientia: Interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 40 (7), S. 725 - 727 (1984)

Buchkapitel (1)

Wullimann, M. F.; Grothe, B.: The central nervous organization of the lateral line system. In: Lateral Line System, Bd. 48, S. 195 - 251 (Hg. Coombs, S.; Bleckmann, H.; Fay, R. R.; Popper, A. N.) (2014)

Editorial (1)

ten Donkelaar, H. J.; Vernier, P.; Wullimann, M. F.; Molnár, Z.: Introduction to the Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Comparative Neurobiology: Evolution and the generation of novelties in the nervous system. Brain Research Bulletin 75 (2-4), S. 189 - 190 (2008)

Review Article (3)

Review Article
Wullimann, M. F.: The neuromeric/prosomeric model in teleost fish neurobiology. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 97 (6), S. 336 - 360 (2022)
Review Article
Baier, H.; Wullimann, M. F.: Anatomy and function of retinorecipient arborization fields in zebrafish. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 529 (15), S. 3454 - 3476 (2021)
Review Article
Gerlach, G.; Wullimann, M. F.: Neural pathways of olfactory kin imprinting and kin recognition in zebrafish. Cell and Tissue Research 383, S. 273 - 287 (2021)
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