2013: Connectomic reconstruction of the inner plexiform layer in the mouse retina
Moritz Helmstaedter, Kevin Briggman, Srinivas Turaga, Viren Jain, Sebastian Seung & Winfried Denk
Connectomic reconstruction of the inner plexiform layer in the mouse retina
Nature, August 8, 2013 (link to paper at Nature)
Original data repository:
- Entire dateset e2006: http://neuro.rzg.mpg.de; (www.knossostool.org)
- Bipolar, Amacrine, Ganglion cell skeletons, contact matrices, contact lists: MATLAB file; PDF description; example code for plotting skeletons with their corresponding somata (.m MATLAB file); example code for generation of contact matrix from contact list (.m MATLAB file)
- Data browser for download: http://neuro.rzg.mpg.de, MATHEMATICA required (java version under development)
- Volume training data used for classifier training: MATLAB file
Research group links:
- Helmstaedter laboratory (www.brain.mpg.de/connectomics)
- Briggman laboratory (neuroscience.nih.gov/Lab.asp?Org_ID=574)
- Jain laboratory (www.hhmi.org/scientists/viren-jain)
- Seung laboratory (http://hebb.mit.edu/people/seung)
- Denk laboratory (www.bi.mpg.de/denk)